Serial innovators a rare breed. One does not come across these people very often. Nand Lal Gupta is one such rare breed. Not many of us can think of using locally sourced materials to create products which can positively impact the lives of the people in the region, while at the same time providing a livelihood to them. In addition, this unique initiative also provides products at cheaper prices to the consumers, so that the all-around benefit is evident.
But this is precisely what Nand Lal Gupta has actually accomplished. His innovations include adhesives made from cactus, boards made from pine needs, building blocks made of soil and many more.
More than 85 years old, Nand Lal Gupta is a self-trained scientist who has brought massive changes in the Shivalik ranges of the Himalayas in Solan, Himachal Pradesh. Scientists working across the country are in deep awe of this great thought-leader who has been able to use his high-tech innovations for creating adhesives, pine boards and soil bricks from the locally available resources. Over the last five decades, he has been transforming the region around Solan by coming up with one innovation after another.
Nand Lal Gupta’s latest innovation of a methodology to make pine boards and pine wool by utilising pine needles available in the forest has created hope of a livelihood for the locals. Surprisingly, the Department of Forest, Himachal Pradesh, has been trying to achieve this feat for four decades without any luck. However, this is now a reality thanks to the brilliant techno mind of Nand Lal Gupta. The primary reason for the failure of previous projects of making pine boards and pine wool from pine needles undertaken by other authorities was the moisture in the final product. Nand Lal Gupta developed a binder that removes moisture from the final product and thus he was able to solve the problem.
Starting as a clerk at Punjab University in Solan, Nand Lal Gupta rose to fame on his hard work, grit, and passion to learn and serve, combined with creativity and innovation. He worked with Punjab University for ten years but was left jobless when the university shifted to Chandigarh. However, Nand Lal Gupta’s passion for research, learning and exploring the natural resources only grew with time. There were times when he would go without food and could only manage to save a one-time meal for the family and save some amount to post inquiry letters overseas to answer his query. He did several odd jobs including running a small hosiery unit, selling wooden boxes to breweries, painted floors etc. to gather one-time meals for his family. All his sacrifice paid off eventually and today he owns a library that is estimated to have cost him more than Rs. 4 lakhs.
In the late 60’s Nand Lal Gupta got recognition for creating adhesives made out of cactus. It became such a sought-after product that he was invited by the Government of Australia to settle there, and provide solutions to the widespread cactus issue in Australia. However, Nand Lal Gupta decided to continue to stay in India and became the supplier of these adhesives to the Government of Himachal Pradesh.
For ‘Cempromark’ cement waterproofing compound and ‘Chunic’ lime adhesive, Nand Lal Gupta was awarded the ‘National Award’ by Invention Promotion Board, New Delhi. Managed by his children, Nand Lal Gupta now has two factories producing these products which are supplied all over the country.
In an effort to manufacture pine boards, Nand Lal Gupta has started a small pilot in his factory, about 40 km away from Solan. He plans to develop a training and research institute to empower the local youth and teach them to manufacture and use the local resources.
He has also been instrumental in developing bricks made of soil. While the work is still in progress, once done, this brick is expected to be much cheaper than cement plaster, while still be long lasting.
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